Weed Control Services

Our professional weed control treatments use highly effective pre- and post-emergent herbicides to eliminate and prevent the most common weeds in Northwest Oklahoma and surrounding areas. These include annual grassy weeds like crabgrass, stickers, and johnson grass along with broadleaf varieties like dandelions and henbit. 

Spring Weed Control

Our spring application is a combination of a pre-emergent and post-emergent. This combination will effectively contact kill sprouted weeds while preventing new growth into the summer.

Our main goal for spring is to hit-the-ground-running by applying treatment before new weeds even have a chance to sprout, and then ensure they are maintained until your next application.

Application: February - April

Summer Weed Control

Our summer applicaton includes another round of pre-emergent and post-emergent. This mix focuses on grassy weeds like crabgrass and stickers, killing new growth after spring, and preventing growth throughout the summer.

The main goal for summer is to control and prevent. This treatment effectively targets any weeds that have managed to sprout while preventing new growth through the season.

Application: May - July

Fall Weed Control

Our fall application helps prepare your lawn for winter with a protective pre-emergent along with a post-emergent to control weed growth from summer.

Our main goal in the fall is to maintain your weed-free lawn throughout the winter season. This application will treat any late sprouting weeds and also prevent new growth into the early spring.

Application: September - November

Recommended Treatment Plans

Comprehensive Treatment

Highly Recommended

We recommend a year-round, comprehensive treatment plan that includes all three weed control applications for a well maintained and worry-free lawn.

Spring - Summer - Fall

Basic Treatment


This treatment plan includes our spring and fall applications. It is a great place to start for lawns that show minimal or low occurence of basic weeds.

Spring - Fall

Sticker Treatment

Best for Stickers

Dealing with stubborn stickers? We recommend all three applications to help control and prevent stickers throughout the year.

Spring - Summer - Fall


  • Yes! Wait at least 24 hours after your treatment is applied and then water your lawn. This will help with the overall effectiveness of each application.

  • If possible, it is best to wait until treatment is applied before mowing to prevent spreading seeds. Once treatment is applied, it is best to wait at least a week before mowing.

  • Our service is guaranteed to help maintain your lawn. With that in mind, it does take time and consistent treatment to eradicate weeds completely. Along with other factors, like neighboring lawns, weather, soil conditions, etc.

    If you are still seeing problem areas within the lifetime of each treatment, give us a call!

  • We are happy to help you find the right service plan based on your specific needs. Call or text our office number listed below, request a meeting when signing up for a new service, send us an email, or check out our recommendations above!

Problematic weeds? Don’t wait, start your service today!